Comparison of active site structures from a high
tunneling (Phe-93 → Trp, top) and a low tunneling (Val-203 → Ala,
bottom) mutant of LADH. Electron density omit maps
(Fo − Fc) and
resulting models for the residue at position 203 (green),
NAD+ (C, purple; O, red; P, white; N, blue), and
trifluoroethanol (C, yellow; F, orange; O, red) are illustrated for
each structure. Omit maps were generated with trifluoroethanol,
NAD+, and residue-203 omitted from the final model and are
contoured at σ levels of 2.5 (top) and 2.0 (bottom).
(Upper): The nicotinamide ring in Phe-93 → Trp is in
van der Waals contact with a methyl group of Val-203. The average donor
to acceptor carbon distance among the two independent monomers is 3.2
Å. (Lower): In Val-203 → Ala, van der Waals contact
between residue 203 and the nicotinamide ring is removed, causing a
shift in ring position (red arrow, see Fig. 3). The
average donor to acceptor carbon distance among the four
crystallographically independent monomers is 4.0 Å. [Figs. 2 and 4
were rendered using molscript (24), rayscript
(E. Fontana, D. Peisach, and E. Peisach, Brandeis University) and
rayshade (version 4.0, C. Kolb and R. Bogart, Princeton