Degradation of 1 g liter−1 CGP in 10 ml BM by axenic cultures of P. alcaligenes strain DIP1 in Hungate tubes cultivated anaerobically at 30°C under shaking conditions. a, tube containing 0.5 g liter−1 yeast extract and 10 mM sodium nitrate and showing the fastest CGP degradation by P. alcaligenes strain DIP1 with visual disappearance of CGP and the lowest OD578 nm after one and four incubation days, respectively; b, tube containing 0.5 g liter−1 yeast extract and no sodium nitrate and showing the visual disappearance of CGP and the lowest OD578 nm after four and five incubation days, respectively; c, tube containing 10 mM sodium nitrate and no yeast extract and showing the visual disappearance of CGP and the lowest OD578 nm after 12 and 19 incubation days, respectively; d, tube containing neither nitrate nor yeast extract (negative control).