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. 2008 Apr 4;74(11):3559–3572. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02722-07


Transport-, efflux-, and secretion-related genes (265 total genes)a

Classb No. of genes General functionc
ABC transporter 87 Uptake and efflux substrates/toxins
    Complete uptake systems (9) with ATPase, inner membrane, and periplasmic binding subunits 30 Sulfate/molybdate, spermidine/putrescine, ferric iron, phosphate, Mn2+/Zn2+, resistance to organic solvents (3), dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel, cation/multidrug
    Efflux pumps 35 Iron (cobalamin, Fe-S assembly, heme, siderophore), antimicrobial peptide, multidrug, lysophospholipase L1 biosynthesis, polysaccharide/polyol phosphate, protease/lipase, bacteriocin/antibiotic export
    Periplasmic binding protein 7 Iron (hydroxymate), sulfate, branched-chain amino acid, organic solvents
    Auxiliary proteins 4
    Unknown or orphans 10
    Pseudogene 1
P-ATPase 5 Cation uptake/efflux ATPase
Iron uptake 21
    TonB/ExbB/ExbD 12
    TonB-dependent receptors 9 Siderophore/cobamalamin
Transport of simple organic N compounds 14
    Urea 1
    FNT 1 Formate/nitrite
    Na+/metabolite symporter 3
    Na+/H+ antiporter 2 NhaA, NhaD
    K+ antiporter 4 TrkA
    Antiporter flippases 3
Efflux 22
    CDF 1 Co/Zn/Cd
    CopD 2 Copper
    TerC 2 Tellurium resistance
    DMT superfamily 4 Cationic drug resistance
    RND 13 Multidrug/cation/metals
Permease 24
    Ammonia 1
    MFS 10 Nitrate/nitrite, sulfate, and six uncharacterized efflux proteins
    Tellurite resistance 1
    Amino acid 2
    YjgP/YjgQ 2
    Uncharacterized 8
Potassium uptake 1 KUP
Transport of ions 13
    Potassium 2
    MgtE 6 Magnesium and cobalt transport
    ZIP 1 Heavy metal cation transport
    Mechanosensitive channel 2
    Unknown 2
Porins 14
    Phosphate 3 OprP
    Carbohydrate 1 OprB
    Lipoprotein 3
    Polysaccharide 2
    Other 5
Phosphotransferase 3 Fructose IIa, HPr, phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase
Protein secretion 17 Sec pathway and TAT translocases
Type II secretion 28 General protein secretion/pilus formation
Type III secretion 11 Flagellum biosynthesis
Type IV secretion 5 TraG; DNA transfer during conjugation

Details of genes and COG designations are available in Table S3 in the supplemental material.


TNT, formate nitrate transporter; CDF, cation diffusion facilitator; DMT, drug metabolite transporter; RND, resistance nodulation division; MFS, major facilitator superfamily; ZIP, zinc transport (Zrt/Irt-like proteins).


Nha, Na+/H+ antiporter; Trk, transmembrane potassium transporter; KUP, potassium uptake protein; TAT, twin-arginine translocation.