FIG. 6.
BBA66, BBA71, and BBA73 protein antibody cross-reactivity with total cell membranes from diverse Borrelia spp. Borrelia spp. were grown at pH 7.0, and total cell membranes were prepared as described in Materials and Methods. Five micrograms of protein was separated per lane by SDS-PAGE and either stained with silver (top) or transferred for immunoblotting with anti-BBA66, -BBA71, -BBA73, or -OppAI specific antibodies (indicated to the left of each lower panel). No cross-reactive bands were observed with either anti-BBA64 or -BBA65 polyclonal antibodies (not shown). Molecular mass standards are indicated in kilodaltons to the left of the upper panel. Species abbreviations are as listed in Fig. 5A. OppAI served as a loading control.