Time courses of inactivation of M662C/D1828C FVIIIa variants by APC. Thrombin-activated FVIIIa activity was monitored over time by FXase assay, a purified system containing FIXa, FX, and phospholipid vesicles. A, FVIIIa alone. B, FVIIIa with 20 nm APC. ▴, M662C/D1828C; •, M662C/D1828C/R336Q; ▪, M662C/D1828C/R562Q. Two to three experiments were averaged together. M662C/D1828C inactivation was fit to a double exponential decay. M662C/D1828C/R336Q and M662C/D1828C/R562Q were fit to single exponential decay curves. Standard deviations are shown as error bars.