Identification of a minimal domain responsible for productive
interaction of CDV F variants with MV H. A, quantification of
cell-to-cell fusion activity of reciprocal chimeras between CDV F-ODP and
Lederle upon co-transfection with MV H (black bars) or CDV H
(gray bars) using the luciferase reporter-based fusion assay as
outlined in Fig. 1B.
The values were normalized for fusion activity observed upon co-transfection
of cells with unmodified F-ODP and MV H or CDV H, respectively. The mean
values ± S.D. of three independent experiments are shown, and the
extent of differential triggering (based on the percentage of homotypic
activity/percentage of heterotypic activity) is specified (see text for
details). F constructs are schematized below the graph. The black
boxes represent regions derived from F-Lederle, and the gray
boxes represent F-ODP. The location of characteristic F protein domains,
the site of the disulfide bridge linking the F1 and F2
subunits (black line), and the position of natural (BlpI, PvuII,
EcoRV, and SmaI) and engineered (BglII and KpnI, in gray) restriction
sites used for chimera generation are shown on the left. PS,
N-terminal precursor sequence of CDV F; FP, fusion peptide;
HR-A, N-terminal heptad repeat; HR-B, C-terminal heptad
repeat; TM, transmembrane domain; CT, cytosolic tail.
B, focused chimeras based on engineered restriction sites identify a
domain in the N-terminal part of F-ODP (between restriction sites KpnI and
EcoRV, construct XIII) to determine productive interaction of F-ODP with MV H.
Quantification of fusion activity, calculation of differential triggering and
color coding as described in A.