MutSα-PCNA interaction occurs on heteroduplex DNA.
A, interaction of MutSα and PCNA in the presence of
heteroduplex DNA was analyzed by equilibrium gel filtration as described in
the legend to Fig. 1 except
that the column was equilibrated with a mixture of 800 nm DNA and
0.25 (black line), 0.5 (blue line), 1.5 (orange
line), or 4 (red line) μm PCNA. The column was
loaded with 10-μl samples containing 4μm MutSα, 800
nm DNA, and 0.25, 0.5, 1.5, or 4 μm PCNA, and eluate
absorbance was monitored at 230 and 260 nm. Troughs at 1.35 and 1.61 ml are
the result of depletion of free DNA and free PCNA, respectively, because of
their association with MutSα. In the absence of PCNA (gray
line), a single trough corresponding to DNA depletion due to MutSα
binding was observed. B, PCNA (•) and DNA (○) bound per
mol of MutSα were determined as a function of free PCNA concentration
from the experiments shown in A by measurement of trough areas at 230
(PCNA) and 260 (DNA) nm. Data for interaction of the MutSα·DNA
complex with PCNA were fit to a rectangular hyperbola as described in the
legend to Fig. 1. Formation of
the ternary complex was also evident as a decrease in retention volume of the
MutSα·DNA peak (A), corresponding to an increase in the
apparent Stokes radius (□). C, PCNA effects on MutSα
affinities for 41-bp G-T heteroduplex (open symbols) or A·T
homoduplex (closed symbols) DNA were evaluated by nitrocellulose
filter binding assay (see “Experimental Procedures”). Reactions
contained MutSα (○ and •), MutSαΔ12 (□ and
▪), or 10 μm PCNA plus MutSα (▵ and ▴) as