Fig. 4.
Distribution of VAChT+, VGluT2+, and VGAT+ BDA-labeled varicosities in the LH. Plotted together are the BDA+/VAChT+ (blue circles), BDA+/VGluT2+ (green squares), and BDA+/VGAT+ (red triangles) that were marked and counted by stereological analysis from double-stained fluorescent sections at the three levels through the LH (case BDA16-L). The BDA+/VTP-negative terminals, which were counted in each series, are not included. The stereological analysis was performed by sampling one-fourth of the total area (using a counting frame of 90 × 90 μm within a grid of 180 × 180 μm; see Materials and Methods), and each figure thus reflects about one-fourth of the total number of varicosities in a 25-μm-thick section. Note the concentration of BDA+/VTP+ varicosities within the ventral and central portion of the LH, with scattered varicosities in other portions, especially at the most posterior level (A 5800). For abbreviations, see list.