Table 2.
Physical activity levels as estimated from accelerometer measurement and EPIC and LTPAQ self-reported questionnaires
Physical activity assessment | Median (25th-75th centile) | |
Hours/week | Counts | |
Accelerometera | ||
Total counts per day | 347328 (278084–428769) | |
Average counts per minute | 398 (316–483) | |
MET-hours/week | ||
Total activity | 46.7 (39.8–53.6) | 160.0 (135.3–183.6) |
Light intensity | 25.9 (21.1–29.4) | 64.8 (52.8–73.5) |
Moderate intensity | 19.5 (16.3–23.7) | 87.6 (73.4–106.5) |
Vigorous intensity | 0.2 (0.0–0.7) | 1.1 (0.3–4.3) |
Sedentary timeb | 121.1 (114.1–128.1) | |
EPIC questionnaire (10 months) | ||
Total non-occupationalc | 20.3 (13.6–31.6) | 73.5 (52.6–116.0) |
Recreational | 9.0 (5.5–14.0) | 34.5 (19.5–54.0) |
Household | 10.1 (5.2–20.1) | 37.7 (19.0–68.8) |
Vigorous activity, self-ratedd | 2.0 (0.0–5.0) | 18.0 (0.0–45.0) |
Vigorous activity, MET-assignede | 2.0 (0.3–4.8) | 12.4 (1.6–28.8) |
Light-moderate activitye | 17.5 (10.5–28.0) | 59.8 (34.3–96.0) |
LTPAQ questionnaire | ||
Total activityf | 33.4 (26.8–41.3) | 98.6 (72.6–123.3) |
Non-occupational | 12.2 (7.2–19.4) | 46.2 (29.6–72.2) |
Occupationalf | 17.1 (10.6–24.1) | 40.1 (23.2–58.5) |
Recreational | 3.0 (1.6–4.2) | 15.5 (8.2–23.8) |
Household | 7.2 (3.5–13.7) | 22.6 (11.6–45.9) |
Active transportation | 0.9 (0.5–1.4) | 2.9 (1.7–4.5) |
Vigorous activity, MET-assignede | 0.5 (0.1–1.5) | 3.8 (0.7–12.4) |
Light-moderate activitye | 30.5 (23.6–38.9) | 86.9 (65.6–112.8) |
EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; LTPAQ, Lifetime Total Physical Activity Questionnaire
a Data are averages of three 7-day accelerometer periods. The Swartz cut-points [23] were used to estimate the time spent in light, moderate and vigorous intensity activity.
b Sedentary time defined as <100 counts/min, and includes non-wear and sleep time; corresponds to 17.3 (16.3–18.3) hours/day
c Combined recreational and household physical activity
d Estimated from a question about time in activities causing sweating or faster heartbeat
e MET-assigned vigorous activity estimated using the sum of time spent in activities with MET values ≥ 6; Light-moderate activity was estimated using the sum of time spent in activities with MET values < 6
f Occupational activities with a mean MET value of ≤ 1.5 (i.e. purely sedentary occupations) were excluded from activity estimates