Figure 2.
GFP expression and proliferation at 2 months following PMCAO. (A) Coronal section of a vehicle-treated brain at 2 months after PMCAO at the level of the lesion. GFP-immunopositive cells were visualized using amplified immunostaining. (B) Similar level in the brain like in panel A from a mouse that received daily injection of G-CSF/SCF for 5 consecutive days following the stroke. (C,D) Magnifications of the boxed areas in panels A and B, respectively. Note the significantly higher number of green fluorescent cells in the G-CSF/SCF–treated animal's brain. Horizontal side of box equals 500 μm (A,B) and 125 μm (C,D). Panels A,B: objective, 10×; numeric aperture, 0.3, Plan Fluo. (E) Columnar graph showing the mean number of GFP- and (F) BRDU-immunopositive cells in the sections of the saline-treated versus G-CSF–treated mice in both hemispheres.