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Table 1.

Psychopathology, physical signs and neuropsychological test results (before celecoxib)

Psychopathology Mood dysphoric, despair, anxiety expansive, exuberant, irritable
Drive impaired:
  • - most of the time in bed

  • - social withdrawal

  • - neglected personal hygiene

  • - reduced self-care

  • - seeking contacts

  • - loss of inhibition

  • - unnecessary purchases

  • - booking of travels

Thought process brooding, difficulty making decisions, slowed thinking logorrhoe, distractibility, poor concentration, racing thoughts
Suicidality passive death wishes joie de vivre (“Lebensfreude”)
Gestures and mimic mask-like face and slow limb movements oculomotoric decreased sad appearing, withdrawn rich in gestures and facial expression, oculomotoric increased, searching for eye contact and attention
Voice low pitched, monotonous high pitched, melodious
Handwriting jittery and slow orthographic mistakes and corrections
Dotting moderately impaired normal
Tapping moderately impaired moderately impaired
HAMD range between 31 and 38 range between 3 and 4
BDI range between 44 and 52 range between 3 and 5
YMRS range between 1 and 3 range between 21 and 24
PANSS range between 84 and 92 range between 40 and 41
Autonomic and physical signs Sleep increased requirement for sleep and daytime in bed reduced requirement for sleep and disrupted sleep
Appetite decreased increased
Weight decreased increased
Libido absent increased
Allergy no allergies susceptibility to allergies
Edema no edema edema on lower extremities
Neuropsychology Short-term memory mildly impaired mildly impaired
Long-term memory normal normal
Working memory moderately impaired severely impaired
Semantic fluency moderately impaired normal
Executive functions moderately impaired severely impaired
Psychomotor speed moderately impaired moderately impaired

Abbreviations: HAMD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Scale; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; YMRS: Young Mania Rating Scale; PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.