Table 1.
Psychopathology, physical signs and neuropsychological test results (before celecoxib)
Psychopathology | Mood | dysphoric, despair, anxiety | expansive, exuberant, irritable |
Drive | impaired:
Thought process | brooding, difficulty making decisions, slowed thinking | logorrhoe, distractibility, poor concentration, racing thoughts | |
Suicidality | passive death wishes | joie de vivre (“Lebensfreude”) | |
Gestures and mimic | mask-like face and slow limb movements oculomotoric decreased sad appearing, withdrawn | rich in gestures and facial expression, oculomotoric increased, searching for eye contact and attention | |
Voice | low pitched, monotonous | high pitched, melodious | |
Handwriting | jittery and slow | orthographic mistakes and corrections | |
Dotting | moderately impaired | normal | |
Tapping | moderately impaired | moderately impaired | |
HAMD | range between 31 and 38 | range between 3 and 4 | |
BDI | range between 44 and 52 | range between 3 and 5 | |
YMRS | range between 1 and 3 | range between 21 and 24 | |
PANSS | range between 84 and 92 | range between 40 and 41 | |
Autonomic and physical signs | Sleep | increased requirement for sleep and daytime in bed | reduced requirement for sleep and disrupted sleep |
Appetite | decreased | increased | |
Weight | decreased | increased | |
Libido | absent | increased | |
Allergy | no allergies | susceptibility to allergies | |
Edema | no edema | edema on lower extremities | |
Neuropsychology | Short-term memory | mildly impaired | mildly impaired |
Long-term memory | normal | normal | |
Working memory | moderately impaired | severely impaired | |
Semantic fluency | moderately impaired | normal | |
Executive functions | moderately impaired | severely impaired | |
Psychomotor speed | moderately impaired | moderately impaired |
Abbreviations: HAMD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Scale; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; YMRS: Young Mania Rating Scale; PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.