Northern blot analysis of trp leader RNA in RNase J1 and J2
mutants. A, Northern blot probed with probe 1. Migration of
full-length (FL) trp leader RNA and a major RNase J1
cleavage product of ∼100 nt are indicated on the right. Below the
gel are the ratios of the intensity of the ∼100-nt RNA relative to FL RNA.
RNAs that are larger than trp leader RNA (140 nt) are read-through
transcripts, as demonstrated previously
(16). Leftmost lanes
in parts A and C contain 5′-end-labeled TaqI fragments
of plasmid pSE420 DNA (29),
and the sizes of these fragments are indicated on the left of the
gel. B, high resolution Northern blot analysis of RNA isolated from
the wild-type strain, probed with probe 2. Migration of prominent RNA
fragments and their sizes (nt) are indicated at the right. Sequencing
ladder on the left was generated on M13mp18 single-stranded DNA.
C, Northern blot probed with probe 3. The cluster of
3′-terminal fragments is indicated on the right as running
between 30–40 nt. Below the gel are the amounts, relative to the amount
in wild type, of these fragments. D, high resolution Northern blot
analysis of RNA isolated from the wild-type strain, probed with probe 3.
Migration of prominent RNA fragments and their sizes (nt) are indicated at the
right. WT, wild type.