Analysis of RNase J1 activity on RNA oligonucleotides representing
3′-terminal RNA fragments. A–C, data from an 8%
denaturing polyacrylamide gel (A), from thin layer chromatography
(B), and from a 22.5% denaturing polyacrylamide gel (C) were
for 3′-stem RNA (open diamonds), 3′-no-stem RNA
(filled squares), and 3′-stem+5′-ext RNA (open
triangles). D–F, primary data from 22.5% denaturing
polyacrylamide gels for the three substrates, as indicated by the schematic
diagrams. Control lanes C, RNA substrate incubated without RNase J1.
Lanes M, RNA substrate incubated with mutant RNase J1. Very small
size markers (second lane from left) were 5′-end-labeled DNA
oligonucleotides of the indicated sizes. Data are the average of four
experiments ± S.D. FL, full length.