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. 2007 Oct 27;85(1):22–38. doi: 10.1007/s11524-007-9229-8


Lifetime prevalence of ETV witnessed by location and timinga (n = 386)

  Shoving, kicking, or punching Knife attack Hearing gunshots Seeing someone Shot Lifetime prevalence of witnessing any eventa
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Participants who witnessed an ETV event 52 10 46 8 66
White (n = 170) 56 10 33 5 59
Latina (n = 200) 50 12 58** 10 74**
Other race (n = 16) 31 0 31 13 44
Country of Originb
US (n = 167) 59 10 34 6 61
Mexico (n = 26) 58 8 35 8 65
Central America (n = 107) 40* 11 69** 10 80*
Caribbean (n = 20) 50 10 40 10 60
South America (n = 53) 57 13 51 8 68
Other country (n = 13) 23 8 15 0 31
Location of event
Neighborhood 19 4 7 3 26
Other location 23 5 7 4 28
Timing of event
Recent (past 12 months) 17 <1 7 0 19
Remote (greater than 12 months prior) 35 10 39 7.5 57

aTotals represent the cumulative percentage of the cohort that witnessed any ETV event. Lifetime prevalence of witnessing any event is not the sum of the row totals because participants may have witnessed multiple events. Where multiple events are witnessed, they may occur in more than one location, and recently as well as in the past.

bThree race/ethnic groups were compared via 2 degrees of freedom chi-squared tests. Six national groups were compared via 5 degrees of freedom chi-squared tests.

*p < 0.05

**p < 0.001