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. 2008 Apr 15;5(2):85–95. doi: 10.1080/15412550801940721

Table 4.

Summary of logistic regression results

Analytic Sample (N = 294)

Item Response Item-Response Weights Item OR (95% CI) Response Options ORs OR, CIs
During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you feel short of breath? None of the time 0 1.07
A little of the time 0 (0.75, 1.53) 1.27 0.38, 4.28
Some of the time 1 0.88 0.26, 2.98
Most of the time 2 1.13 0.30, 4.24
All of the time 2 0.40 0.06, 2.63
Do you ever cough up any “stuff,” such as mucus or phlegm? No, never 0 0.91
Occas. colds 0 (0.72, 1.15) 1.49 0.49, 4.56
Few days a month 1 1.84 0.54, 6.22
Most days a week 1 1.48 0.43, 5.04
Yes, every day 2 1.85 0.57, 6.05
Please select the answer that best describes you in the past 12 months. I do less than I used to because of my breathing problems. Strongly disagree 0 1.64*
Disagree 0 (1.25, 2.16) 0.77 0.23, 2.58
Unsure 0 0.89 0.22. 3.54
Agree 1 2.28 0.80, 6.54
Strongly agree 2 6.78 1.96, 23.47
Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your ENTIRE LIFE? No 0 5.80*
Yes 2 (2.81, 11.96) 5.80* 2.68, 12.58
How old are you? Aged 35 to 49 y 0 2.68*
Aged 50 to 59 y 1 (1.92, 3.74) 2.85 0.78, 10.41
Aged 60 to 69 y 2 6.80 1.98, 23.35
Aged 70+ y 2 23.80* 6.84, 82.83
Overall model fit: LR test: 122.13, 16 df, p < 0.0001

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; Occas.: Occasionally; LR: likelihood ratio; df: degrees of freedom.


p < 0.001

p < 0.01.