Figure 1.
Synaptic transmission between the superficial (SGS) and intermediate (SGI) layers. (A) Diagram of a collicular slice showing a biocytin-labeled cell in upper SGI located directly below the stimulating electrode track (gray rectangle and closed circle) in lower SGS. The subdivisions between upper and lower parts of these layers are indicated by dashed lines. (B) Postsynaptic currents evoked in the cell shown in A in response to stimuli of varying intensities. (C) Increasing stimulus intensity recruits additional synaptic inputs. Synaptic responses were measured in a cell different from the one shown in A and B and quantified by integrating the postsynaptic currents over time. Each point is an average of three responses. This cell was held at −85 mV. CG, central gray; SAP, stratum album profundum or deep white layer; SAI, stratum album intermedium or intermediate white layer; SGI, stratum griseum intermedium or intermediate gray layer; SGP, stratum griseum profundum or deep gray layer; SGS, stratum griseum superficiale or superficial gray layer; SO, stratum opticum or optic layer.