Figure 1. Notch Dosage in the Skin, the Animals' Life Span, and WBC Count Are Tightly Correlated.
(A) Chimeric pattern of Msx2-Cre activity is shown on the left by X-gal staining of an E15.5 Msx2-Cre/+; Rosa26R/+ embryo (also see [14,15]). On the right, the dorsal patch of hair loss in P9 Msx2-Cre/+; PS1flox /flox; PS2 –/– (PSDCKO) mice (border is highlighted by red broken line) matches the area of Cre activity.
Progressive (B) shortening of life span and (C) increase in peak WBC count measured during the second week of life are caused by stepwise removal of Notch proteins, RBP-j, Presenilins, or certain combinations of those. Abbreviations: wild type (Wt), Msx2-Cre/+; N1flox /flox (N1CKO), Msx2-Cre/+; N1flox /flox; N2flox /+ (N1N2hCKO), Msx2-Cre/+; N1flox /flox; N2flox /+; N3 –/– (N1N2hN3CKO), Msx2-Cre/+; N1flox /flox; N2flox /flox (N1N2CKO), PSDCKO, Msx2-Cre/+; RBP-jflox /flox (RBP-jCKO), Msx2-Cre/+; PS1flox /flox; PS2 –/–; RBP-jflox /flox; (PSDRBP-jCKO), and Msx2-Cre/+; N1flox /flox; N2flox /flox; RBP-jflox /flox (N1N2RBP-jCKO). Note that N1N2CKO, PSDCKO, PSDRBP-jCKO, and N1N2RBP-jCKO animals live only a few weeks and experience severe leukocytosis. Data are collected from lifelong monitoring of 10 to 20 animals from each genotype. Significant difference (p < 0.05) between adjacent genotypes is highlighted by an asterisk.