Effect of CHP3 on half-life of cell surface NHE1 tagged by
biotinylation. A, AP-1 cells stably expressing NHE1HA
or stably coexpressing NHE1HA and CHP3myc were subject
to cell surface biotinylation, as described under “Experimental
Procedures.” The cells were returned to growth media at 37 °C, and
then cell lysates were prepared at varying times over a 48-h period. At each
time point, a small fraction of the cell lysates was removed for
immunoblotting, and the remainder was incubated with 200 μl of
NeutrAvidin-Sepharose beads to extract the biotinylated proteins. Total
cellular levels of fully glycosylated (fg) and core-glycosylated
(cg) NHE1HA and CHP3myc as well as levels of
surface biotinylated, fully glycosylated NHE1HA were monitored as a
function of time by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting, as described in the legend to
Fig. 6. B, data
represent densitometric analysis of the cell surface biotinylated
NHE1HA presented in A, normalized as a percentage of its
maximal abundance at time 0 h. Values represent the mean ± S.E. of four
experiments. Error bars smaller than the symbol are absent.