Tbc1d1 expression in tissues and L6 cells. A, SDS samples of tissues from white adipose tissue (WAT), heart, and gastrocnemius (Gastroc) muscle from wild-type (WT) and AS160 knock-out (KO) mice were immunoblotted for Tbc1d1 and AS160. The 1× load was 100 μg of protein. Two replicates of these blots with tissue samples from two other littermate sets of wild-type and AS160 knock-out mice gave similar results. B, SDS samples of L6 cells on the stated days after initiation of differentiation were immunoblotted for Tbc1d1. The 1× load was 100 μg of protein. The blot shown was probed with the NT antibody against Tbc1d1. A similar pattern was obtained when the samples were immunoblotted with the PG antibody.