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. 2008 Jul 2;3(7):e2538. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002538

Figure 6. Biophysical properties of Cav1.4wt and Cav1.4nob2 channels, coexpressed with β2a and α2–δ1 subunits in tSA-201 cells.

Figure 6

A. Representative current waveforms for Cav1.4wt (left) and Cav1.4nob2 (right) recorded with 20 mM Ba2+ external saline. Horizontal scale bars denote 25 ms, and vertical scale bars 25 pA. B. Average activation (filled symbols) and inactivation (hollow) symbols for Cav1.4wt (squares) and Cav1.4nob2 (circles) recorded with 20 mM Ba2+ external saline. Average activation parameters from 11 Cav1.4wt cells and 13 Cav1.4nob2 cells are: Vact, wt = −3±4 mV, Vact, nob2 = −1±4 mV (n = 13); Gmax, wt = 4±3 nS and Gmax, nob2 = 3±1 nS; Swt = 9±1 mV and Snob2 = 8.2±0.8 mV. These values are stastically identical, and are summarized in Table 3. Average inactivation parameters from these cells are Vinact, wt = −18±11 mV and Vinact, nob2 = −22±10 mV, with a large fraction of non-inactivating current for both channels. These values statistically identical and are summarized in Table 3. C. Average half-inactivation potentials for channels recorded with 2 mM Ca2+ as charge carrier. Currents were substantially smaller than with 20 mM Ba2+, but were distinguishable from background noise, and were obtained using a ramp protocol identical to that previously reported [31], obtained by ramping voltage from −100 mV to +100 mV over 500 ms. Values were Vact, wt = −17±8 mV (average peak current size −9±4 pA) and Vact, nob2 = −17±6 mV (average peak current size −9±3 pA). The shift observed with switching from 20 mM Ba2+ to 2 mM Ca2+ as external charge carrier is similar to that we have previously reported for the human Cav1.4 channels [16].