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. 2008 Jul 2;3(7):e2551. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002551

Table 4. Over-dispersion factors and empirical type I errors for the association test without the correction of PS.

Significance level
Study Over-dispersion 0.05e 0.01e 0.001e
NHSca-NHScoa 1.005 0.0505 0.0100 0.0010
PLCOca-PLCOcob 1.025 0.0527 0.0110 0.0012
NHSca-PLCOcoc 1.062 0.0572 0.0120 0.0013
PLCOca-NHScod 1.090 0.0588 0.0127 0.0016

Note: The over-dispersion factor and empirical type I errors under various significant levels are estimated by applying the 1-df Wald test statistic without the correction of PS on the set of 241,238 genomic control SNPs. We assume all genomic control SNPs are disease unrelated.


NHSca-NHSco is the original NHS breast cancer study.


PLCOca-PLCOco is the original PLCO prostate cancer study.


NHSca-PLCOco is the reconstructed study with breast cancer cases from the NHS, and external controls from PLCO.


PLCOca-NHSco is the reconstructed study with prostate cancer cases from the PLCO, and external controls from NHS.


Empirical type I error rates under the given significant level (assuming all genomic control SNPs are disease-unrelated).