Effects of α-conotoxin ImI (ImI; B), α-bungarotoxin (BGTx; C), and MLA (C) on inward currents induced by ACh pulses (100 μM, 1 s, given at 30-s intervals), in voltage-clamped chromaffin cells (holding potential −80 mV). (A) Reproducibility of inward currents upon repeated application of ACh pulses. (B) Time course of IACh before, during, and after adding ImI (1 μM; top horizontal bars). (Insets) Two original inward current traces generated by ACh pulses before or in the presence of the blocker. (C) Time course of the blocking effects of both MLA (0.1 μM) and BGTx (1 μM). These results were reproduced in 4–9 cells for each blocker.