Effect of inhibitor binding rate on the frequency of the Goldbeter oscillator and on the phase shift between the inhibitor-cyclin complex and free cyclin concentrations. Model parameters are the same as given in Fig. 2 except for K1 = K2 = 0.1. For the dashed curves, vs = 0. (A) The rate of inhibitor binding is rapid, the phase shift is nearly nonexistent, and the oscillations are slowed. Parameter values for the inhibitor are: vs = 0.2 min−1, Kd = 1.0, and (a1 + a2) = 1.0 min−1. (B) The rate of inhibitor binding is slow, the phase shift is large, and the frequency of oscillations is increased. Parameter values for the inhibitor are: vs = 0.2 min−1, Kd = 1.0, and (a1 + a2) = 0.1 min−1.