Immunodetection of T7-tagged Gtf2 in other streptococcal species. Plasmid pVPT-Gtf2-CT7 was transformed into S. mutans UA159, S. pneumoniae V047 and S. sanguinis SK36, respectively. The expressions of T7-tagged Gtf2 with a C-terminus fusion were detected by Western blot analysis using anti-T7 monoclonal antibody. Lane 1, gtf2−; lane 2, gtf2−/pVPT-CT7; lane 3, gtf2−/pVPT-Gtf2-CT7; lane 4, UA159; lane 5, UA159/pVPT-CT7; lane 6, UA159/pVPT-Gtf2-CT7; lane 7, V047; lane 8, V047/pVPT-CT7; lane 9, V047/pVPT-Gtf2-CT7; lane 10, SK36; lane 11, SK36/pVPT-CT7; lane 12, SK36/pVPT-Gtf2-CT7. Arrows point to the position corresponding to T7-tagged Gtf2.