Figure 1.
AP-2γ mutant and conditional alleles. A) AP-2γ flox has loxP sites flanking exon 6, AP-2γ flox deleted represents the floxed allele after the Cre recombination event and AP-2γ null represents the allele that contains a deletion including part of exon 7. P1 and P2 shows the primer locations used to verify deletion of AP-2γ flox allele by RT-PCR. B) Confirmation of AP-2γ flox deletion in skin of E16.5 control (+/+) and AP-2γ mutant embryos (−/−). Product size 200 bp. C) AP-2γ mutant embryos (−/−) are visibly smaller than control embryos (+/+) at E16.5. Weights were significantly different at E16.5 and E18.5 (mean ± SD) significance was determined by Student’s T-test, p<0.05a and p<0.001b. D) Skeletal preparations show the curly tail phenotype in the mutant (−/−) but did not show other skeletal defects compared to the control (+/+). Bar in (C) = 5mm.