Figure 7.
Comparison of the hybridization signals of different point mutation types. To minimize positional influence the statistics include only defect positions 5 to 12, located in the center of the 16 mer probes. The 1200 probe sequences were derived from 17 probe sequence motifs. Data processing: raw fluorescence intensity data; solution-background correction; hybridization signals are normalized by division by the corresponding perfect match hybridization signals. Defect categories: mismatch M-X (X: substituent base); mismatches at A·T and C·G sites M@AT, M@CG; single base deletion D; deletions at A·T and C·G sites D@AT, D@CG; single base insertion I-XI/II (X: insertion base, I/II: Group I/Group II base bulge). Hybridization signals from insertion probes (about 50% of the PM hybridization signal for Group I ; 65% for Group II -median values) are significantly higher than that of MM probes (at about 30%). Mismatches at A·T sites result in about 25% larger hybridization signals than MMs at C·G sites. Deletion probes have a median hybridization signal that is slightly lower than the median MM hybridization signal. Group I base bulges with the exception of I-AI (33%) have hybridization signals of about 50% of the PM hybridization signal. Hybridization signals of Group II base bulges are (with the exception of T-insertions) significantly higher than that of the corresponding Group I bulges.