Survival of third-instar larvae of various genotypes to immune challenge. The survival rates (in percentages) of dom/+ (equivalent to wild-type rates, not shown), dom/dom (dom), Bc/Bc (Bc), imd/imd (imd), Bc, imd/Bc, imd (Bc,imd), Bc, dom/Bc, dom (Bc,dom), imd, dom/imd, dom (imd,dom) and Bc, imd, dom/Bc, imd, dom (Bc,imd,dom) larvae were scored over a 48-h period at 29°C after immune challenge and are presented with their confidence interval (P < 0.05). The larvae were either untreated (control), pricked with a clean needle (clean injury), or pricked with a needle coated with E. coli, M. luteus, or B. bassiana spores. For each experiment, 20–70 animals (M. luteus and B. bassiana) or 70–300 animals (control, clean injury, and E. coli) were used. Asterisks indicate 0% survival. For Bc, dom, and imd/dom as well as Bc, imd, dom combinations, two or three different recombinant chromosomes were tested, and all values were cumulated.