Fig. 1.
●●●. (Left) Monomer of the FMO complex and its absorption. The eigenstate level scheme is shown in Inset: g is the ground state, whereas e and f are the single- and the double-exciton manifolds, respectively. Absorption was simulated as described in ref. 11. Narrow peaks indicate state positions and oscillator strengths. (Right) The four-wave-mixing experiment: three pulses (k1, k2, and k3) interact with the system and generate nonlinear polarization, which is probed by using the fourth (signal) pulse (k4). For ultrashort nonoverlapping pulses, the delay times between pulses t1, t2, and t3 coincide with the delay times between interactions. The two Feynman diagrams that contribute to the signal in the phase-matching direction (kIII ≡ k4 = k1 + k2 − k3) in the RWA are shown at the bottom.