Figure 8.
(A and B) UUO: Pol II expression at start (A) and end (B) exons of TNF-α, MCP-1, and HO-1 genes. UUO did not independently alter Pol II levels at exon 1 of any of the assessed genes. It also had either a quantitatively minimal or no impact on Pol II at end exons. When the mice were administered an injection of LPS, significantly greater increases in Pol II recruitment was observed at both start and end exons of the TNF-α and MCP-1 genes. Conversely, no preferential increase was seen at HO-1 exon 1, highly consistent with the previously described HO-1 mRNA data (Figure 6B); however, a modest preferential increase of Pol II was observed at HO-1 exon 5.