Figure 2. A broad variety of cell systems were fluidized by a transient stretch of 10% amplitude.
a, b, G′n (a) and δ (b) of pharmacologically treated HASM cells after application of a single transient stretch of 10% amplitude (see Methods and Supplementary Table 1 for pre-stretch baseline values and treatment details). Groups are latrunculin A (orange), DBcAMP (green), ML7 (10 min incubation, bright pink; 45 min incubation, dark pink), histamine (yellow), EGTA (grey), jasplakinolide (bright blue), ATP depletion (open symbols), and untreated cells (red). G′n (c) and δ (d) of MDCK (blue diamonds), HBE (yellow squares), HLF (black triangles) and HASM (red circles). Compare with Box 1 in Supplementary Note 7.