The role of Lat1 in CR. A, 0.5% glucose induced CR requires Lat1 to extend replicative life span. Life span analysis of the wild type cells and the lat1Δ mutant cells grown in 2% and 0.5% glucose. B, Lat1 over-expression extends replicative life span. Life span analysis of the wild type cells carrying a control vector, the Lat1 over-expression plasmid, the Lpd1 over-expression plasmid, the Pda1 over-expression plasmid and the pkp1Δ mutant. C, Lat1 over-expression does not synergize with 0.5% glucose to extend replicative life span. Life span analysis of the wild type and Lat1-oe cells grown under 2% and 0.5% glucose. D, 0.05% glucose induced CR requires Lat1 to extend replicative life span. Life span analysis of the wild type cells and the lat1Δ mutant cells grown in 2% and 0.05% glucose. E, Lat1 over-expression does not synergize with 0.05% glucose to extend replicative life span. Life span analysis of the wild type and Lat1-oe cells grown under 2% and 0.05% glucose. F, Northern blot analysis of the Lat1 mRNA levels in cells grown in 2%, 0.5% and 0.05% glucose CR conditions. WT: BY4742 wild type; Lat1-oe: Lat1 over-expression. One set of representative data is shown.