Figure 4.
Latency effects. (a) Simulated reaction time during tasks with one, two, three or four targets presented for 1.3 s, followed by a single correct target for 0.1 s, followed by the GO signal. Reaction times were calculated as first time after the GO signal that any neuron in the M1 population exceeded an activity threshold of 1.5. The mean and standard error are shown for N=300 replications in each condition. (b) Simulated reaction time when cues are presented for 0.8 s followed by a single target for 0.3 s prior to the GO. The bars show mean±s.e. of reaction time in four conditions: when three cues are presented 80° apart, two cues 160° apart, two cues 80° apart or no cue at all. N=100 in each condition. (c) Distributions of decision latency computed during simulations (each with two targets) using a CC cue of different magnitudes. The decision latency was calculated as the time between the CC cue and the first time any PMd3 cell activity exceeded 0.75. N=200 for each condition.