Figure 3.
Rdi1 interacts with Cdc42, Rho1, and Rho4, but not with other Rho proteins. (A) Rdi1 coimmunoprecipitates with Rho1 and Rho4. Cells expressing RDI1–3myc, and RDI1–3myc with 3HA-tagged RHO1, RHO2, RHO3, RHO4, and RHO5 were lysed, and equal amounts of protein extract were precipitated with anti-HA antibodies. Immunoprecipitates were analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies against the myc and HA epitopes. 3HA-Rho1 and 3HA-Rho2 run at the same height as the light chain. However, a stronger signal indicates that these proteins were precipitated, compared with the heavy chain, which occurs with the same intensity in all samples. (B) Coimmunoprecipitation of Rdi1 with Cdc42. Cells expressing RDI1–9myc and wild-type cells were lysed, and equal amounts of protein were precipitated with anti-myc antibodies. Precipitates were examined with antibodies raised against Cdc42 and the myc epitope, respectively. The results shown in this figure are representative of two independent experiments.