(A) Intratumoral injection of si-SV1 reduced tumor growth in a PCa xenograft model. PC3M cells were injected subcutaneously into nude mice. After 3 weeks of growth, mice were randomized into 2 treatment groups, and si-NTC or si-SV1 was injected directly into the tumors twice a week for a total of 3 weeks. Mice were sacrificed, tumor volume was determined, and RNA and tissue was harvested. (B) Photographs of representative si-NTC– and si-SV1–treated tumors, which had identical volumes prior to treatment. Three weeks after treatment, si-SV1–injected tumors were significantly smaller than si-NTC–treated tumors. n = 9 (si-SV1); 8 (si-NTC). (C) TUNEL staining of si-SV1– and si-NTC–treated tumors revealed a significant increase in the number of apoptotic cells per high-power field in si-SV1–derived tumors. Six tumors per high-power field were counted. (D) qRT-PCR of si-NTC (n = 7) and si-SV1 (n = 8) derived tumors using PCR primers specific to human Bcl-2 and NOXA demonstrate a 50% reduction in Bcl-2 expression with a concomitant 3 fold increase in NOXA expression in si-SV1 treated tumors. *P < 0.01, **P < 0.001, ***P < 0.0001 versus control. Original magnification, ×400.