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. 2008 Jun 10;8:205. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-8-205

Table 1.

Evaluation domains and data collection methods: triangulation of data sources

Evaluation domain Indicator(s) Household survey Facility survey Exit survey Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews Retail census Voucher tracking Cost analysis
Coverage of target groups (ownership, use) Household ownership of at least one net/ITN; Individual slept under a net/ITN the night prior to the survey* X X X
Provision and use of RCH services, including voucher scheme Currently pregnant woman/recently pregnant woman**attended ANC; Mean weeks of gestation at time of first ANC visit; Received a voucher; Received 1 dose of SP as IPTp; Received 2 doses of SP as IPTp X X X X X
Leakage of vouchers % of voucher recipients who could be identified, interviewed, and confirmed they received a voucher X X
Impact on ITN market Percent of wards with at least one retail source of ITNs, insecticide X X
Cost and cost-effectiveness Cost per voucher delivered Cost per ITN delivered X X

* ITN use measured in all household members, currently pregnant women, children under 5 years.

** Indicators of voucher coverage were calculated for both currently pregnant women and for women who had a live birth in the 12 months preceding the survey.

ITN = Insecticide-treated net; RCH = Reproductive and child health; ANC = Antenatal care; SP = sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine; IPTp = Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy