ΔΨ establishment in control and subunit h-depleted
mitochondria. Rhodamine 123-monitored ΔΨ variations were
assayed, as described under “Experimental Procedures,” in isolated
mitochondria (0.3 mg·ml-1) from RFY5-1 grown without
(left panels) and with doxycycline (Dox) (right
panels) in the YPGal medium. A, ΔΨ variations during
oxidative phosphorylation. B, ΔΨ establishment by ATP
hydrolysis. Additions were 0.3 mg·ml-1 mitochondria
(m), 170 mm ethanol (EtOH), 50 μm
ADP, 600 μm KCN, 400 μm ATP, 10
μg·mg-1 of proteins DCCD and 3 μm CCCP.
a.u., arbitrary units.