TDP-43 is sequestered as insoluble nuclear inclusions by restricting
nuclear export. A-D, immunofluorescence of endogenous TDP-43
(red) alone (A and C) or merged (B and
D) with DAPI (blue) in QBI-293 cells treated with DMSO
vehicle (CTRL) (A and B) or LMB (+LMB)
(C and D). The arrowheads identify punctuate
nuclear inclusions in C. E, QBI-293 cells were treated with DMSO
vehicle or LMB and were sequentially extracted with RIPA (R) and urea
buffer (U). Immunoblotting was conducted with anti-TDP-43 antibody.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was used as a
loading control. F-K, double labeling with TDP43 (red), Myc
(green) antibodies, and DAPI (blue). QBI-293 cells 24 h
(F-H) and 72 h (I-K) after transfection with
Myc-TDP-43-ΔNES2 (ΔNES2) and merge images
(H and K) show colocalization of TDP-43 (red) and
Myc (green) in nuclei of transfected cells. Note the presence of
punctate inclusions in the nucleus of transfected cells at both 24 and 72 h.
Nontransfected cells are marked withanasterisk.LandM,
QBI-293 cells 24 h (L) or 72 h (M)post-transfection with
empty vector(CTRL), Myc-TDP-43-WT(WT), or
Myc-TDP-43-ΔNES2 (ΔNES2) and sequentially extracted with
RIPA (R) and urea buffer (U). Immunoblotting was conducted
with TDP-43 antibody. Myc-TDP-43 (Myc) migrates slower than
endogenous TDP-43 (Endo), and both Myc-TDP-43-ΔNES2 and
endogenous TDP-43 were recovered in the RIPA-insoluble and urea-soluble
fraction. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was used as a loading
control. Scale bars, 20μm.