PP2Acα negatively regulates
αIIbβ3 activation in murine
megakaryocytes. A, Alexa 488 fibrinogen binding in untransfected
megakaryocytes. Large and alive megakaryocytes that expressed
αIIb were analyzed for fibrinogen binding in response to 2.5
mm PAR4AP in the presence and absence of 10 mm EDTA by
flow cytometry. B, expression of PP2Ac in control and
PP2Acα-transfected siRNA. The blot was stripped and analyzed
for PP1c and actin. These blots are representative of three experiments.
C, increased fibrinogen binding in megakaryocytes transfected with
murine PP2Acα siRNA. Fibrinogen binding was studied as
described in panel A. Results are mean ± S.E. of six
experiments, and the increased fibrinogen binding in megakaryocytes
transfected with PP2Acα siRNA over the control siRNA was
significant at +, p = 0.02 by analysis of variance.