A and B, effect of pH on activity of rLpg1905. Relative hydrolysis of 1 mm ATP (A) or 1 mm ADP (B) in buffer containing 30 mm Tris-HCl and 2 mm Mg2+ over the indicated pH range is shown. The results are expressed as the percentages of activity and are the means ± standard deviations of three experiments performed in triplicate. C and D, activity of rLpg1905 over time. C, hydrolysis of 1 mm ATP by 0.01 ng/μl Lpg1905, measured as nmol Pi released over time. D, hydrolysis of 1 mm ADP by 0.02 ng/μl Lpg1905, measured as nmol Pi released over time. The results are expressed as nmol Pi released over time and are the means ± standard deviations of three experiments performed in triplicate.