Figure 4.
Defense-induced increase in the expression of PR proteins and G6PDH/PAL activity were delayed and alleviated in SNN∷cwINV source leaves. A, Representative northern blots of RbcS, PR-1b, and PR-Q from infection sites. Probing with an 18S cDNA served as loading control, and similar results were obtained with at least three individual plants at each time point. B and C, G6PDH (B) and PAL (C) activities at the infection site. All data points taken from noninfected parts of the plants in each individual experiment and each point along the time scale of an experiment are set as 0%. At least three independent infections are averaged and their means are presented as percentage changes ± se (circles, SNN; triangles, SNN∷cwINV). Insets show the means of the absolute amount of activities and contents (white symbols, control; black symbols, infection site).