Phylogenetic analysis of selected plant β-glucosidases involved in the bioactivation of defense compounds. The phylogenetic tree includes hydroxynitrile and isoflavonoid glucoside-cleaving β-glucosidases from eudicotyledons, glucosinolate-degrading myrosinases (Brassicales), and selected β-glucosidases involved in the bioactivation of defense compounds in monocotyledons. The defense compounds degraded are indicated for the different groups of β-glucosidases. “S” indicates enzymes for which the crystal structures have been solved. LjBGD2, LjBGD4, and LjBGD7, L. japonicus β-glucosidases (this study); TrCBG, T. repens cyanogenic β-glucosidase (Barrett et al., 1995); GmICHG, G. max isoflavone conjugate-hydrolyzing β-glucosidase (Suzuki et al., 2006); DcBDGLU, D. cochinchinensis dalcochinase (Cairns et al., 2000); PsAH1, PsPH1, PsPH4, and PsPH5, P. serotina amygdalin hydrolase and prunasin hydrolase isoenzymes (Kuroki and Poulton, 1987; Zheng and Poulton, 1995; Zhou et al., 2002); VaVH, Vicia angustifolia vicianin hydrolase (Ahn et al., 2007); MeLinamarase, M. esculenta linamarase (Hughes et al., 1992; Keresztessy et al., 2001); HbLinamarase, H. brasiliensis linamarase (Selmar et al., 1987); AtTGG1 and AtTGG2, Arabidopsis myrosinases (Barth and Jander, 2006); SaMYR, Sinapis alba (white mustard) myrosinase (Burmeister et al., 1997); BjMYR and BjMYR1, Brassica juncea (mustard greens) myrosinases (Heiss et al., 1999); RsRMB1 and RsRMB2, Raphanus sativus (radish) myrosinases (Hara et al., 2000); BnMYR1, Brassica napus (rape) myrosinase (Chen and Halkier, 1999); As-Glu-1 and As-Glu-2, A. sativa avenacosidases (Gusmayer et al., 1994; Kim et al., 2000); ScBxGlcGLU, S. cereale DIBOA-Glc β-glucosidase (Nikus et al., 2003); Zm-Glu-1, Z. mays glucosidase 1 (Czjzek et al., 2001); SbDhr1 and SbDhr2, S. bicolor dhurrinases (Hösel et al., 1987; Verdoucq et al., 2004); PcCBG, Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine) coniferin β-glucosidase (Dharmawardhana et al., 1995, 1999). The bootstrapped neighbor-joining tree was built in MEGA 4.0 (Tamura et al., 2007). The tree was bootstrapped with 1,000 iterations (node cutoff value, 50%). The underlying amino acid sequences in fastA format and the multiple alignment can be accessed at and, respectively. The phylogenetic tree was rooted using PcCBG as an outgroup. For the bootstrap analysis, 1,000 trials were performed, and the bootstrap values are shown in percentages; bootstrap node values below 50% are not shown. A more elaborate phylogenetic analysis of plant β-glycosidases, including those presented here, is available at