Fig. 1.
Core-shell structure of the Au102(p-MBA)44 cluster. (a and b) Space-filling (a) and ball-and-stick (b) representations of the Au102(p-MBA)44 nanoparticle. Au, orange; S, yellow; C, gray; O, red; H, white. (c and d) Two views of the 40-atom surface of the Au79 core, together with the passivating Au23(p-MBA)44 mantle. The cationic Au atoms in the mantle are depicted by the smaller orange spheres. The “structure defects” at the core–mantle interface [two Au atoms with two Au–S bonds, and a long RS–(AuSR)2 unit] are highlighted by the ellipse. (e) Close-up of the protecting RS–(AuSR)x unit with x = 1 or 2. (f and g) Two views of the Au79 core, which has a symmetry of D5h (within 0.4-Å tolerance).