Fig. 2.
Utriclar whole-mount. This figure shows a confocal image of a utriclar whole-mount [34]. This whole-mount provides a top down view of the left utricle. The falx overlying the lateral macula is removed but the otoconial layer left in tact. The otoconial layer is stained green using WGA. Yellow arrows indicate the lateral-medial transect. Yellow circles indicate the outline of the macular surface. This outline is called the macular perimeter. The macular perimeter is used as a guideline for placement of cross sections in model generation. Anatomical directions are indicated with the double headed arrows. The letters L, M, A, and P indicate the Lateral, Medial, Anterior, and Posterior directions respectively. The striola is a region about 75 microns wide and starts about 100 microns in from the lateral edge. It is arched from anterior to posterior following the curve of the lateral edge of the utricle. The lateral extrastriolar region is lateral to this arched region. The medial extrastriola region is medial to this arched region.