Figure 5. Silent VSGs Remain 10-Fold Derepressed in ΔDOT1B Double-Expressers.
Transcript levels of three independent ΔDOT1B double-expresser clones expressing different levels of VSG13 were compared to one ΔDOT1B PN221 and two ΔDOT1B PN13 single-expressers, by quantitative RT-PCR. VSGs 224, 800, and VO2 are present in silent BESs. VSG221 is maximally transcribed in ΔDOT1B PN221 and ΔDOT1B double-expresser clones and silent in ΔDOT1B PN13. VSG13 is present in BES17, which is partially active at different levels in the three ΔDOT1B double-expressers and fully active in ΔDOT1B PN13. PAG3 is present in one procyclin locus, which is transcriptionally downregulated in bloodstream forms. β-tubulin was used as the reference gene. Transcripts levels are indicated relative to ΔDOT1B PN221.