Table 4.
Increased maternal snf+ dose kills sensitized sons
Progeny class (cross†) | P{snf+} dose in mothers | snf1621SxlM6/Y sons, relative viability* | X∧X/Y siblings as viability reference, n |
1 (A) | 0 | 104% | 270 |
2 (B) | 1 | 15% | 296 |
3 (C) | 2 | 0% | 137 |
These sons did not carry P{snf+}. The 100% viability values for males were estimated by multiplying the number of female sibs with the same snf+ genotype by the ♂/♀ ratio for the progeny from y w f:=/Y; P{snf+w+mC}108 P{snf+w+mC}19/+ ☿☿ × ♂♂ w1118/Y.
† A, y w f:=/Y ☿☿ × ♂♂ y w snf1621SxlM6/Y. B, y w f:=/Y; P{snf+w+mC}108 or P{snf+w+mC}19/+ ☿☿ × ♂♂ same as A. C, y w f:=/Y; P{snf+w+mC}108 P{snf+w+mC}19/+ ☿☿ × ♂♂ same as A. Females for these three crosses were siblings.