RANTES–heparin complexes do not induce cytoplasmic Ca2+ mobilization in glycanase-treated or untreated PBMC. Normal PBMC were activated, as described in Materials and Methods, and harvested after 11 days in culture to measure the intracellular Ca2+ responses. RANTES-GAG complexes (○), then were analyzed with glycanase-treated (A) or untreated (B) PBMC. In control assays, glycanase-treated PBMC (A) were stimulated with heparin alone (▵) or with PBS (thin line). Untreated PBMC (B) were stimulated with RANTES–heparin complexes (○), heparin alone (▵), PBS (thin line), or RANTES (thick line). Fluorescence changes over time were measured by flow cytometry in the FL-1 window. One time unit is equal to 0.2 sec.