Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by RANTES-GAG complexes. PBMC were infected with HIV-1 NSI.03 and treated with RANTES, GAG, or RANTES-GAG complexes as described in Materials and Methods. (A) RANTES was tested after incubation with heparin (▴), heparan sulfate (●), chondroitin sulfate (□), or dermatan sulfate (○). Untreated RANTES was tested as control (■). The plots reflect the amount of the RANTES component present in each assay. (B) Results obtained with sham formulations containing only heparin (solid), heparan sulfate (open), chondroitin sulfate (striped), or dermatan sulfate (shaded) at a concentration matching the highest amount tested in the RANTES-GAG preparations (4 μM) are shown for comparison. Levels of infection determined 6 days postinfection by HIV-1 p24 antigen-capture ELISA are shown. Percent inhibition was determined for each assay relative to the control assays carried out in medium alone. The results obtained with RANTES, heparin, and RANTES plus heparin represent the mean of duplicate assays, whereas all other results represent the mean of triplicate assays.