ML tree based on deduced amino acid sequences of the RdRp whole domain. ML bootstrap values (percent) from 100 samples are shown at the nodes, followed by bootstrap values (percent) based on the NJ analysis of 100 samples. The ML distance scale bar is shown. CrPV, cricket paralysis virus; DCV, Drosophila C virus; BQCV, black queen cell virus; TrV, Triatoma virus; TSV, Taura syndrome virus; SssRNAV, Schizochytrium single-stranded RNA virus; DWV, deformed wing virus; SBV, Sacbrood virus; BPMV, bean pod mottle virus; CPSMV, cowpea severe mosaic virus; RTSV, rice turgo spherical virus; PYFV, parsnip yellow fleck virus; PV, human poliovirus 1 Mahoney; AiV, Aichi virus; BoCV, bovine enteric calicivirus; NV, Norwalk virus.