(A) Western immunoblot of E. canis whole-cell lysates (BR, US, and IS strains) and uninfected DH82 cell lysates (control [Ctrl]) probed with sera from dogs naturally infected with E. canis from each respective country (Israeli dogs 18 and 53, Brazilian dog 157, and U.S. dog 02160). (B) E. canis whole-cell lysates (BR, IS, and US strains) probed with rabbit anti-US gp200-, gp140-, gp36-, and gp19-specific sera, respectively. (C) E. canis whole-cell lysates from the IS, BR, and US strains reacted with three sera from dogs naturally infected with E. canis from the United States (dogs 04283 [lane 1], 20699 [lane 2], and ZOC [lane 3]), Brazil (dogs 37 [lane 1], 42 [lane 2], and 45 [lane 3]), and Israel (dogs 17 [lane 1], 18 [lane 2], and 1 [lane 3]). Ab, antibody.