The oda2-t mutant is defective in the γ DHC. (A) Part of a 3 to 5% urea SDS-PAGE pattern showing the DHC bands in the wild type (wt), oda2, and oda2-t axonemes. Wild-type axonemes have three outer-arm DHCs (α, β, and γ), which are completely absent in the oda2 axonemes. The axonemes of oda2-t retain the α and β DHCs but lack the γ DHC (arrow). (B) Southern hybridization analysis of the γ DHC genes in A54-e18 (wt; control) and oda2-t genomic DNA digested with the restriction enzymes SalI, SphI, and PvuII and probed with a 577-base-pair fragment of the γ DHC gene (Fig. 3A). The stars indicate the bands that differ between A54-e18 and oda2-t.